15 Innovations That Are Super Genius
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 8:49 pm
By:James Fraser
Anyone can innovate including you. In most cases, innovating is all about finding a solution to an existing problem. Different people try different methods to address problems. What would it be like to take the innovative route to addressing a problem? Check out 15 cool innovations that are nothing short of genius.
13.A Boat Made Using Empty Drums
Now, this is called a genius innovation. The man in the picture or whoever built this cool boat seriously knows how to innovate. This boat looks cool, and even comfortable for a water ride under the sun.

14.When Bike Gets a Steering Wheel
After watching this picture, many people hope to lose their bike handle so they can fit one cool ‘steering wheel’ like this on theirs. This innovation looks funny and insane. Imagine someone riding this bike, and you will start laughing. Nevertheless, good thinking there.

15.Enjoying a Hot Shower the Primitive Way
Don’t invest in any pricey water heaters or geysers for a hot shower. This is the easiest, cheapest and funniest way to enjoy a quick hot shower. This DIY water heating system is another insane innovation you don’t see every day. We aren’t sure if this one really works the way it was intended to, but it looks cool and interesting.

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