15 Weirdest Wedding Cakes You'll Ever See
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 5:44 pm
Mike Litzler
Wedding cake tradition goes back to a very long time in the history. A wedding cake symbolizes happiness, fortune and fertility. It also brings good luck to all the people who eat it. Wedding cakes are one of the major attractions in a wedding. This is the reason why many couples try their best to make it best in the most creative and unique way possible. Some couples don't mind having a wedding cake that looks wacky and weird. Here are fifteen weirdest wedding cakes you don't often see in a marriage!
#3 This Cake That Beats Gravity!
Cakes like these make your wedding day very special. They remain as 'talk of the town' for a very long time. This cake is amazing. We have some serious baking skills on display here. There might have been a small stick/pole kind of thing in the middle of the cake to support those gigantic cake balls.

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