15 Most Awkward Things Ever Happened
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 7:07 pm
By:James Fraser
Awkward moments happen to anyone and at any time. We all have those awkward moments that are either funny or embarrassing. However, only some of them get caught on tape or grab attention. Here are fifteen most awkward moments ever happened. They are hilarious. Check them below...
1.Rubbing the Wrong Knee
Imagine how it feels when someone who is sitting next to you starts rubbing your knee, thinking it's theirs! In this funny clip, you can see Michael Beasley (basketball player) rubbing his teammate Anthony Tolliver's knee. Don't forget to check facial expressions of Anthony Tolliver!!! :D

2.When Hands Get Glued
There are some people who say that these two guys are still shaking hands to this day! This is definitely one of the funniest and awkward handshakes we have ever seen. The person on the left is Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary. The man on the right is Jean-Claude Juncker, President of European Commission, which is an executive branch of European Union.

3.Ouch, That Hurts
Luckily for her, no one was there to witness that highly awkward moment. Things were going great for her until someone posted this video clip on internet, which then went viral. This girl completely missed her way there. We know clean door glasses can be very tricky at times.

4.Keep Watching... Keep Watching...
We have four people trying to high-five each other, and none of them ended up doing that. This is the most awkward and most messed up group high-fiving you will ever see. Guess who is the reason for the mess up? We strongly believe it's the woman in the middle. The guys are completely confused what's she doing and the woman is confused as well whom to high-five first.

5.What Have We Just Read?
This is probably the most awkward and weirdest thing we have read in some time. The status message there was fine. What's interesting was the reply. Why did he self-announce to the world that he has a small penis?

6.It's Canada's Turn to be Awkward Now
She had 'Canada' written on her top. Unfortunately, her two friends covered a good part of the name leaving the awkward side of it showing up. This is awkward, and a bit crazy. Let's hope everyone finds this funny, including Canadians! Just to let you know, Canada is one of the most admired countries in the world!

7.This Awkward Photo
This photo straightway looks awkward. Now you will find out why. What's more awkward is that guy's reply when a lady asked him about the 'Beardify' watermark on the left side of the image. As you can see from the image, that guy has used an app to put fake beard and mustache on his face.

8.Try Modeling They Said... It Will Be Fun They Said...
This is another awkward picture that looks hilarious. Imagine yourself seeing him there with that crime related banner on his back. Well, he looks more like a model than an actual criminal. FYI, Crime Stoppers is an Australian moral policing initiative.

9.Celebrating a Little Too Early
This is another funny and awkward sports moment. Though this is not uncommon in basketball, it still makes players look awkward when they do that. As you can see from the clip, Nick Young celebrated a little too early. He thought he got that. Nonetheless, Lakers won that match over New York Nicks, which happened last year.

10.This Awkward Moment of Dropping New iPhone on Release Day
That guy in the clip is the first man in Perth (Australia) to own an iPhone 6. As you know, many people sleep in front of Apple Stores a day or two ahead of new IPhone launch. The guy in the picture too is one of those hardcore Apple fans. He dropped his new iPhone on ground, while he was trying to show that to a news reporter. How sad!!!

11.How to Meet Women on the Subway?
Can he get any better time than this to read that book? It was clearly not an awkward situation for him, but to the women around him. We see people doing funny, stupid and absurd things on subway. This one is epic! That book looks very, very, interesting as well. Some of us don't mind grabbing a copy! Do we?

12.This Disappointment of the Millennium
Look at the face of that guy on the right! He was ecstatic! He was happy as he thought he is going to have some really good time. Sadly, he got trolled totally! He is going to have some serious trust issues after that incident. Unfortunately for him, this video went super viral! Let's talk about the guy in the left too. He was damn funny.

13.This Highly Awkward, Inappropriate and Unfortunate Incident
This is just one of the many problems porn lovers face! Technology has brought us many things, in which some of them badly bother porn watchers. Accidental shares and likes on porn videos is a thing. Accidentally broadcasting porn on family TV is truly awkward! We feel sorry for that dude for all the embarrassment he has to deal with!

14.Let's Give an Award to This Awkward Moment
If there is ever an award for the most awkward thing ever happened on this planet, this guy surely stands out as a strong contender. This was not only awkward, but also highly embarrassing to him. This incident happened back in 2013 at an AFL (Australian Football League) match between Essendon and GWS Giants. This guy was shown on a large screen while he was busy picking his nose.

15.Oops - Yet Another Awkward Moment
Once in a while, we all face awkward moments like this in our lives. We are fortunate to get away because there would be no one around us filming that in most cases! These guys who were caught on camera creating or putting themselves in an awkward situation are not lucky enough. Check this one more unlucky guy who tripped and fell on a treadmill.

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