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12 Celebrity Nicknames You Probably Don't Know Of

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 7:57 am

The primary purpose of a name and a nickname is the same. We call or recognize people by their names. Well apparently, no one knows who invented the idea of using nicknames, but its history dates back to the 13th century. Hey, what's your nickname, by the way? Who gave it to you? We are sure someone in your family might have given that to you. Most of us get our monikers from our parents, family or friends. When it comes to celebrities, they either give themselves cool nicknames or receive them from the media or their fans. As you may know already, many Hollywood stars don't prefer using their real names. Check the cool nicknames of 12 celebrities and find out how they got them! 

#7 Rihanna - Ri

Rihanna has one of those unique names that you don't hear every day. But even with a one-of-a-kind name, the singer still has numerous nicknames. On occasion, her friends, fans and the media will refer to her as 'RiRi,' which is shortened version of her first name. This nickname is also spelled 'RihRih.' Rihanna has also been called, 'Ri,' 'Caribbean Queen,' and 'The Barbados Babe.'

Rihanna - Ri-12 Celebrity Nicknames You Probably Don't Know Of

See More: Gorgeous Pics Of Rihanna's Feet



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