12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 8:33 am
Facebook has become a kind of virtual world. Sadly, many people have stopped living in reality! Be it happiness, misery, emotions, or even idiocy, people just express it on Facebook in the form of a status message or a comment. We all love checking updates from our friends on Facebook, but we also need to admit that sometimes the dumb, stupid, embarrassing, and pointless posts by some of our friends just turn us off. Take a look at 12 such awkward and embarrassing Facebook posts that will surely crack you up!
Yes if you are at school and hate a teacher do make sure that they are unable to view your page and read your status. If they can read it you may find that it leads to something such as this where you make a hole bigger for yourself and make life very awkward for when you go back there the following morning.

Yep there cannot be many other things that are more embarrassing for a girl on Facebook than to post this kind of image by accident and allowing everybody to see it. You would think that she would then just delete it instead of posting another message about it?

3.Lost the plot
This shows how stupid some people can be because on the one hand they are asking for prayers for somebody who was shot in the head and then they post a stupid thing about somebody with a gun. You just know that they have not linked the two of them and that in itself is a scary thought.

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